Our Philosophy

We understand the hardships and challenges of building and accumulating wealth.  This mindset permeates through every investment we research and analyze as we seek to preserve and grow your wealth. Learning from our business experience and portfolios we have managed for over two decades, we have developed an investment philosophy that seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns while protecting our client’s assets and avoiding unwanted surprises.

Maintain a long-term investment horizon for clients.

Focus on active management only where markets are inefficient, and utilize low cost passive strategies elsewhere.

When using active management, undertake deep fundamental research to identify best-in-class alternative investment managers to uncover opportunities aligned with our interests.

Define risk as permanent loss of capital for portfolios rather than interim volatility, but remain sensitive to each client’s volatility expectations to avoid unplanned gains or losses.

Be highly selective of investment opportunities. Be willing to utilize cash as a tactical allocation while patiently waiting for opportunities.

Utilize less liquid or illiquid investments in a portfolio when we expect to be rewarded for doing so, at an appropriate level given the client’s liquidity needs.

Seek to maximize the tax efficiency of investments given the client's tax status.